The 1972 film, The Godfather, was directed by Francis Ford Coppola. This film narrates the Corleone crime family, who reside in New York. This film takes place in 1945 and begins with the wedding reception of Don Vito Corleone's daughter, Connie Corleone Rizzi (played by Talia Shire). Meanwhile, Don Vito Corleone A.K.A "The Godfather" (played by Marlon Brando) is listening to requests inside his house. Soon after, the Don's youngest son Michael Corleone (played by Al Pacino) returns home from war to join the reception.
Weeks later, a drug dealer named Sollozzo A.K.A "The Turk" meets with the Corleone family. Sollozzo asks the Don for money and protection so that Sollozzo can distribute and import heroin. The Don refuses, because he feels that his influence among very powerful people could be jeopardized. Shortly after the Don refuses Sollozzo's request, the Don is gunned down by Sollozzo's men. The Don does survive though, but this is what initiates a war between the five crime families.
The Godfather, is arguably one of the greatest movies ever made. The film is full of suspense and twists and turns to keep the viewer entertained. I can easily say that this film is, by far, my new favorite movie of all time.
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