The 1972 film The Godfather ends with Michael eliminating all of the heads of the rival families, while Michael's niece is being baptized.
This scene is considered to be one of the greatest endings to a movie. Francis Ford Coppola is a directing mastermind as he displays an excellent use of mise - en - scene in this scene. The term "mise - en - scene", according to our textbook The Film Experience, literally means "placed on a stage" or in more simpler terms "onstage". Mise - en - scene contains certain elements from the movie, such as the actors / actresses, the sets, lighting, etc.
Some great examples of mise - en - scene in this scene are the Corleone soldiers preparing for the executions of the heads of the five rival families. He does a brilliant job of positioning the actors. For instance, the head that exits the building and points out to his wingman that there is a cop giving him a ticket, the man waiting calmly in the stairway, the man coming up the stairs with a package are examples of positioning the actors in this scene. When Michael is asked if he renounces Satan, the five heads are murdered. Their corpses are perfect examples of mise - en - scene, as they were planned to be put in a specific spot.
In conclusion, Copolla uses excellent mise - en - scene in this scene. His use of positioning the actors in this scene are great examples of mise - en - scene.